Comparison resists Connection!

2 min readSep 19, 2021

Oftentimes when we are stuck in a problem, it’s the hardest to reach out & ask for help, from a place of love & TRUE confidence!

image is taken from Canva!

Once you are surrounded by this feeling of, everybody is doing so much better than you .. & or are busy comparing yourself to them.

There is a kind of disconnect, that gets created here!

They have this, or they are their __ & I am not!.

I am here, by myself,


Here you find yourself in the boundaries of lack ____& them; at least as a collective group_TOGETHER!

THRIVING maybe, who knows. ?


Once you take your loneliness as a lack… or are focused on more of what others are doing than yourself.. you create a gap! & often, this boundary is imaginary but strong enough to pull apart worlds!

Lack means, your focus is not on your garden, but on others!

Definitely, while in lack _ you don’t feel equal or worthy enough to reach out to people, whom you perceive have more… because you have planted the seeds of the inequality here!


Once you choose to look back at your garden___ you’ll realize

YOU TOO have a land, honey! … Maybe a farm, a world of your own! & how about you recognize that it’s TURE!!

(here comes your friend GRATITUDE, to have your back!)

So what if undernourished, what if there’s a problem or two. On looking closely, you’ll see no garden is perfect & that’s the beauty!.

It is not the end of the world or life!

You look at it (your garden), nourish it!____ It grows! ______made Simpler?

& it gets easier for you to feel worthy_equal, blessed enough to receive all the good in life too !!

Be it help, support or company of others as well!. Any & everything, that one can receive. from the planet, the universe, loved ones, from one’s own self as well(peace, fuel to reach desires, etc.)

If you get taken care of, so does everything else in your life! Even our desires, plans, career, relationships, resources … mean nothing if it weren’t for your presence to be realized, to live all these things out. So take care of yourself, & be gentle sweethearts :> We ALL, are just learning!.




This page is changing a little, expect more bold and authentic emotions, spilled to knowing this is part of poetry of life.